Leaders are permanently facing challenges of resistance on the change, lower level of commitment and cooperation by team members, and thus making performance and innovation into difficulty.
Executives aged beyond forties sometimes are facing midlife crisis. They are in search of meaningful new identities.
The topics will stimulate the executives who would like to pursue the DBA study and understand the potential value by linking academic research with marketing practice, and become scholarly industry leaders in the new era.
The emlyon Global DBA Program Asia Track has been specifically designed in response to a growing need of business leaders to challenge current business practice and devise new methods for progression in times of technological and geopolitical change, and increasing uncertainty.
Research oriented, a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) Program becomes one of the paths that today's entrepreneurs and senior executives take to lift their business intelligence into an theoretical level.
“NEW” Era is significantly influencing society and business, further Organizational Capability and Global Operations Strategy.
The global landscape is changing. As a leader, you're probably used to dealing with change. In the era of VUCA, do you feel that the world is changing faster and more complex than before? Has everything been laid out for the maximization of self and social value in the next five years? Have you ever thought about how to get out of your comfort zone, and explore inward?
The global landscape is changing. As a leader, you're probably used to dealing with change. In the era of VUCA, do you feel that the world is changing faster and more complex than before? Has everything been laid out for the maximization of self and social value in the next five years? Have you ever thought about how to get out of your comfort zone, and explore inward?The second half will be a fresh start.
A DBA program is more than a simple extension of an EMBA degree. It is a new journey of mental exploration, which requires its participants to quickly learn to think out of box and perceive and understand the working paradigm in the new fields.
emlyon business school Asian Campus